Home » Event » Raising Teens with Sexual Self-Control
The specific tools for parents to become the first best source when it comes to their teen's sexual decision-making. This is not the same talk youth will hear, but rather a Parent's Survival Class! No matter how great your relationship with your teen is now, it IS going to change. Smart parents will be ready BEFORE it happens.

Raising Teens with Sexual Self-Control

Date: August 4, 2013 - 6:30 pm
Time: 6:30 pm  to 

Raising Teens with Sexual Self-Control

Raising Teens With Sexual Self-Control (for parents and concerned adults) with special guest speaker, KAREN KROPF. Entry is free
Childcare provided (only with registration).

Equip adults to have a positive impact on youth decisions about sex
Debunk the strategies adults often use that WON’T work
Understand the way teens process information and experiences different from adults
Learn simple, practical and EFFECTIVE techniques.

Register at reallifechurch.org/teens. Contact 661.775.7401 or students@reallifechurch.org for more information and with questions.

Raising Teens with Sexual Self-Control