Who/What: Bowl-O-Rama “No Tap” Bowling Tournament Fundraiser!
Details: Valencia Lanes, August 17, 2024, Check-In 9:30am, Bowling 10:00am
Support Your Local Santa Clarita Valley Scouts BSA!
2-game “No Tap” bowling tournament fundraiser, register as 5-member teams, once on a team you can also register for the individual Most Strikes and Spares competition. Plaque trophies and Amazon gift cards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. Plaque trophy and cash prize for the individual winning the Most Strikes and Spares Competition. “No Tap” means if you knock down 9 pins on your first ball of a frame, it counts as a strike, just like knocking down all 10 pins. No handicaps.
Fees: $125 per team if registered by June 30th, $150 per team is registered July 1 to July 15th. Registration ends the sooner of 24 teams registered or July 15th.
See Flyer for registration links
Where: Valencia Lanes, 23700 Lyons Ave., Newhall
Contact: For more information please CLICK HERE