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Is Black Mold Dangerous For Your Health?

Mold is a type of fungus. Black mold is used to refer to several mold species that are black or dark green in appearance. Mold thrives in warm and often moist environments such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. They can grow on various materials including wood, paper, or even dirt. Using a humidifier indoors, or where rooms are generally more humid than others, can increase the risk of mold growth.

Is Black Mold Dangerous?

If left unchecked, black mold may have some consequences for health. This is why, regardless of color, all mold should be removed from buildings as soon as possible. You can get some helpful black mold cleaning tips here. Allergies are the main health issue that can be triggered by black mold. Although some people may feel the health effects of being around black mold, such as a cough or blocked nose, the reactions to being close to it are generally stronger in people who have mold allergies, asthma, or a weakened immune system.

Black Mold Exposure Symptoms

People can be affected by mold in several different ways. Often, it does not cause any symptoms. However, if somebody is sensitive to mold, or suffers with a mold allergy, then some common symptoms include wheezing, coughing, itchy or red eyes, sore throat, a blocked or stuffy nose, or a skin rash. In people with asthma, black mold may increase the risk of an asthma attack. People with chronic respiratory diseases may experience increased breathing difficulties when around black mold. Lung infections due to mold can be a real risk for people who have a weakened immune system, as this will often increase the risk of fungal infections in general.

Ways to Treat Mold Exposure Symptoms

There are several options to consider when it comes to treating mold sensitivity, exposure symptoms and mold allergies. Nasal rinses and sprays are recommended, including over-the-counter corticosteroids that will help to reduce the airway inflammation caused by the allergy. Other over the counter medications such as antihistamines can also reduce the immune system response. You may also be able to get regular allergy shots from your doctor.

Black Mold Myths to Be Aware Of

It’s important to be aware of the common myths about black mold. One common myth is that it releases mycotoxins, toxic compounds that can lead to serious health issues including headaches and memory loss. However, the good news is that a review carried out in 2017 found that there is no evidence that being exposed to black mold will cause any health conditions. So far, the science says that black mold is only likely to have an impact on your health if you are particularly sensitive to it or have an allergy to it.

While black mold may not be quite as dangerous to your health as it is often believed to be, it can still cause unpleasant symptoms, along with causing damage to your home so it’s a good idea to know how to best remove and prevent it.

Is Black Mold Dangerous For Your Health?

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