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5 Tips To Get More Leads Through Email Outreach


Getting more leads is the goal of any business. The best way to get them is by building relationships with potential clients and customers. While there are many ways to do this through direct marketing (i.e., direct mail or print ads), email outreach has become one of the most effective tools for generating new leads for your company. Below are five tips for getting more leads through email outreach:

Create a list of potential prospects

You’ll want to create a list of all the people you might want to reach out to. The way you do this will depend on your situation, but there are a few common options:

  • Use BuzzStream to find contacts based on their social profiles and job history
  • Use LinkedIn (or another professional network) to search for relevant people in your industry
  • Use Google searches and other tools like Dark Web Hunter and Domain Hunter Plus as well as an email address directory service such as Whois Email Address Directory

Write an email that converts

You’ve done the proper research and have found some great prospects. Now you just need to get them on board with your awesome product or service. The best way to do this is by writing an email that converts.

Here are some tips for writing emails that convert:

  • Be personal. Your prospect’s name should be in the subject line and in the body of the email. Use words like “we” when referring to your company, instead of “I” or “me.

Follow-up with the prospects

Be sure to follow up with the prospects. You can do this by sending them a short email after three days, saying something like: “I hope you’re well! I wanted to check in and see whether there was any way I could help you.”

If they don’t respond, try again in a few days or weeks. You want to see if they’re interested, but also get them engaged with you and your company so that they might be more receptive when it comes time for an actual conversation — plus it shows initiative on behalf of your business, which is always good!

Create and schedule your campaign

  • Create and schedule your campaign
  • Write an email that converts
  • Check E-Mails before sending
  • Follow up with the prospects
  • Measure, analyze and improve

Measure, analyze and improve.

Measure, analyze and improve.

In order to improve your email outreach, it’s important to measure the results of each campaign. That way you can see which emails are bringing in more clicks and conversions than others, so you can focus on those that work best for your audience.

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Email outreach is important for business

Email outreach is a powerful way to get more leads. With the right tools and strategies, your email outreach can be a huge success.

Here are five tips for getting more leads through email outreach:

  • Make sure you’re using the right template and subject line. Your template should be professional, concise, and easy-to-read—don’t use overly complex language or an abundance of photos or graphics. Your subject line should also be brief but memorable so that people will open it when they see it in their inboxes. Think of something catchy or intriguing (like “I’m looking for business owners who want to save money on their taxes”), but don’t go overboard here either; keep it short and sweet!
  • Follow up with prospects if they don’t reply within 24 hours after sending out your initial email. The longer it takes them to respond back after reading your message means they probably weren’t interested in what was being said—and there’s no need to waste time trying again later down the road when someone else might actually take notice this time around instead!


Our tips for email outreach are designed to help you get started with this important marketing strategy. Email outreach is a great way to reach out to potential customers and warm leads, so give it a try today!

5 Tips To Get More Leads Through Email Outreach

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